Everybody knows that every teenager and adult has some type of social networking account. Whether it is Twitter, Facebook, or even Youtube. But what social networking sights does little kids use? Are there social networking sites safe for them? What exactly do they do on these sites? Is there parent control? Little kids nowadays use Club Penguin, Neopets, Webkins, Barbiegirls, Nicktropolis and many more. Yes Club Penguin, Neopets, Webkins, Barbiegirls, Nicktropolis are all safe for little kids to use and to interact on. They make it so little kids don't get harassed by bullies or predators. On Club Penguin they can pose as penguins and race sleds and visit there friends igloos. Neopets and Webkins is where you pretend to be some type of animal and make your own house and town! Barbiegirls and Nicktropolis is where you can play all types of games. If you don't want your kids to do certain things on those websites there is a wide variety of parents controls you can choose from. So little kids do have there own little social networking sites that they use.
This is the website that I got my information from http://www.carolynjabs.com/social_networks_for_little_kids_66732.htm
I never realized how many social networks that there were for children. When I had a Webkinz I remember there being a chat room that you could go and talk in. If you said a curse word you would be banned from the chat room and an email would be sent to your parent. That is great parental control over the website but still the thought of a chat room for children to use is very questionable. I do not think it is necessary to have that because people can still say what they want as long as there is not a curse word.