Monday, February 24, 2014

# 5- Social Networking for Little Kids

Everybody knows that every teenager and adult has some type of social networking account. Whether it is Twitter, Facebook, or even Youtube. But what social networking sights does little kids use? Are there social networking sites safe for them? What exactly do they do on these sites? Is there parent control? Little kids nowadays use Club Penguin, Neopets, Webkins, Barbiegirls, Nicktropolis and many more. Yes Club Penguin, Neopets, Webkins, Barbiegirls, Nicktropolis are all safe for little kids to use and to interact on. They make it so little kids don't get harassed by bullies or predators. On Club Penguin they can pose as penguins and race sleds and visit there friends igloos. Neopets  and Webkins is where you pretend to be some type of animal and make your own house and town! Barbiegirls and Nicktropolis is where you can play all types of games. If you don't want your kids to do certain things on those websites there is a wide variety of parents controls you can choose from. So little kids do have there own little social networking sites that they use.

This is the website that I got my information from

Monday, February 10, 2014

# 4- After Marine's death, girlfriend finds their love story recorded on Facebook

Recently I read this article on how Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with love ones who live far away from you. I read many articles but the one that particularly stood out to me was how a girl friend and boyfriend kept in touch while he was in Afghanistan. They first met in High School but they started dating after graduation. By that time Will had already joined the marines. Long story short Will ended up dying while in Afghanistan. They wanted to get engaged but they wanted to wait until he was back home but he never made it back home. Just 3 days before he died he was on the phone with his good friend and told him where and how he was going to propose when he got back home. If Facebook was never made they would've not been able to talk as much as they did or even leave cute little messages on each others walls. This just proves that although Facebook may be bad at times but in the long run it will always end up being good. Facebook is meant for reconnecting with friends. Now Kimmy can relive there relationship whenever she wants.

Monday, February 3, 2014

# 3: Twitter vs. Facebook

I found a video on Twitter vs. Facebook from the investors stand point. In the video they say that its easier for Facebook to get more money than Twitter because Facebook in general mores know information about us. They know who we are friends with and just basically out identity. Facebook has more information about you therefor they can show advertisements you are more interested in. Where as Twitter you could basically pretend to be someone your not because Twitter is so simple and easy to use. Supposedly people want Twitter to get rid of their limit 140 character count so they can tweet longer things. But that is just one of the main reasons why Twitter is so big. It is just plain and simple to use. Twitter has less information about yourself so therefor they can only really put general ads on there website.